About Me

By feranlestari - March 18, 2020

  1. The hobby that I could never give up is being badminton addict.
  2. I support Indonesian badminton athletes and have done since I was about 14.
  3. The thing I find most attractive in a person is having a hobby.
  4. I mostly listen to Asian music.
  5. I can play angklung, recorder (?) HAHA.
  6. I once wrote a short story about mystery, thriller.
  7. I have visited 3 countries in my life
  8. My favorite country so far is Saudi Arabia.
  9. I first traveled solo when I was 25.
  10. I have 2 siblings.
  11. I am the middle child in my family.
  12. My sister(s) taught me that crying when having a call is normal.
  13. My fondest childhood family memory is makan es moni / es buatan ibu di teras rumah bareng-bareng sekeluarga.
  14. My childhood nickname was 'era'.
  15. My favorite subject at school was math.
  16. When I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up.
  17. My first ever job is being software engineer.
  18. I collect films, dramas, & books.
  19. The achievement I am most proud of is rock climbing.
  20. I have never tried live octopus.
  21. If I had 1 hour to live, I’d spend it praying to God, of course. Mana mikir yang lain.
  22. My favorite childhood game was galah ulung.
  23. The most romantic thing anybody has ever done for me is giving me a chocolate, digendong sampe kamar ala bridal style sama ayah hehe.
  24. My earliest memory is playing in kindergarten.
  25. The thing I love most about me is my writing HAHA.
  26. I always want to go to Japan but never have.
  27. I haven't finished reading Sarinah: Kewajiban Wanita Dalam Perjuangan Republik Indonesia yet.
  28. I would love to meet (and even have lunch together with) Ginting? HAHA
  29. One struggle I’ve had that has made me who I am is born with cleft lip and palate.
  30. My best friend is my best friend because they listen to me sincerely and don't look down on me.


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