Best Best Best Sister Ever!

By feranlestari - February 22, 2022

Salah satu orang yang bikin aku kuat menjalani hidup adalah: BUNDA. Kakakku satu ini, yang kadang jadi sumber kegondokanku, tapi juga sekaligus tempat aku curhat segala-galanya.

No word can describe how grateful I am for having you in my life. People wonder how I can be so generous to you. But I will say more and more, "because why not?". I know you will too.

We love each other. We depend on each other. I am one calling away, you know that. And me too, I know I can just text you then we can share anything. I can't stay calm when you're crying. I'm not that strong. I will cry, too. But then, you're the one who will know whether I am down or not. You'll say "come. Come here. Don't cry alone. You have me". I was such a crybaby. If I could I would like to fly to Depok. Or else I want to borrow Doraemon pocket then use his door to come to Depok.

But reality hits me hard. I should stay, because I love you and your family. Cause I will not come along bringing any virus with me there.

Still, no matter what, I love you. Thank Allah, for giving me the best sister ever! Please, let us be sister in jannah too. Aamiiin

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