Half full, why don't we call it empty?

By feran.lestari - June 15, 2012

Just imagine how will all these be gone to? Just wondering, how am I going to do? What will I do? Or just thinking about, what am I going to be?

Just imagine that, and I feel empty

Like a water in a glass, half full, half empty. Where is the side you say it's wonderful? Where is the side you tell me it's amazing? Really, I can't find

I'm just lost in a way. I just find a bad side of these. I know nothing about it. I don't know if I think badly or it's truly bad.

I just imagine it. I am thinking about man who is the watered glass, half full half empty. A man without principle. I imagine about, how it will be easy to make the glass empty, or make the glass full

Just imagine, how it will be easy to get the man to do everything I want.

And I'm going to be mad. Why isn't the glass full? Don't you know if it's so bored when you see something going to be something else, but it doesn't go totally? Why does it have to be 'half-half' in doing something? Why don't it do everything totally?

And I prefer call it empty to half full. Just like me. I'm h̶a̶l̶f̶ ̶f̶u̶l̶l̶, I'm empty.

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